Thursday, February 6, 2020

Didirri: I hope you can look forward to a moment of quiet in the chaos that is Eurovision

Photo: Ivana Martyn Zyznikow
When all the names of the Australia Decides participants were announced the one I was looking forward the most was the protagonist of this interview and I wasn't wrong for being excited about him cause he delivered one of the best songs in the competition and without a doubt one of the best lyrics of the 2020 NF season. To get to know more about a him and his ESC entry, I'll leave you all with Didirri's answers:
Name: Didirri
Birthday: October 23rd
Height: 5’11
When you were younger, who did you idolize and why? Bernie Taupin and Bob Dylan. From the very beginning, I have been absolutely obsessed with good storytelling. I can’t think of two people that are more suited to telling a story in assistant poetic some writing format. I felt like I had lived full and chaotic lives just listening to their songs over and over again.
What is the most interesting thing you have in your room? 1949 singer sewing machine, I have been very much into quilting and fixing my own clothes.
What is something you consider a strength, that you are good at and what is something you want to work on? I think I have a strength in communication. I find it easy to talk to a crowd and tell them exactly how I am feeling at the moment. I could definitely work on my posture.
Do you have a celebrity crush? Not necessarily romantic, someone in the public eye who inspires you, captivates you or brings you joy!: It has been Stephen Fry for a very long time, I think the man is measured and well thought out with a good outlook on the world. Optimistic but realistic at the same time. Poetic yet crass as well.
Would you recommend us a film & TV show? I am very obsessed with ‘Marvellous Mrs Maisel’ and ‘Three billboards outside Epping Missouri’
If we visit Australia, what Candy / Snack / Beverage should we try? Everyone should try Vegemite. But make sure that you do it properly. Plenty of butter/margarine and a scraping a Vegemite.
Tell us a song by an Australian artist we should listen to: Check out ‘See Yourself’ by Moreton and James Vincent Mcmorrow
Before getting into the Eurovision zone, can I ask you about your name, where does it come from?
My parents were inspired to name me after an indigenous Australian word and meditation practice, ‘Dadirri’, it is pronounced a bit differently, but very simply it means ‘deep and quiet listening’. There is much more info about it on the Miriam Rose website. I highly recommend reading her writing on the topic.
You are performing at Australia Decides 2020, how did it all begin and what do we have to look forward too?
It began with this song. I started over two years ago and completely gave up on it. I don’t know how it found its way back to me but once it did I realised how important the song was to me. I hope you can look forward to a moment of quiet in the chaos that is Eurovision.

Describe for us, about the day you started writing ‘Raw stuff’:
I was on tour, sitting on a piano. I have just received a phone call from a loved one and it was very apparent that we weren’t opening up to each other. It spilled out of me at the piano and I didn’t think much of it. How wrong I was.
What can you tell us about the music video of "Raw stuff"?
The raw stuff music video needed to be honest. It needed to be nothing more than an accurate representation of how that makes me feel. We decided to go back to the place where I recorded and wrote half of the song. We needed to include Australia in it as much we could. I wanted to represent that beautiful land that we share and brings so much peace in moments like writing that song.
Tell me the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the word:
Socks: Fun whilst not ruining a good outfit
Rose: Tinted glasses
Oven: Lots of pressure in a small confined space.
Rare: quiet calm
Voice: Expressive, find it
What an exciting start to 2020, have you any upcoming plans you can share with us?
More music! I can’t wait to get out on the road and play this song to all of you.
Thanks to Didirri and his manager Larissa Ryan for the interview!I

Facebook: Didirri
Instagram: Didirri_
Twitter: Didirri

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