Photo: Jeff Mangione
Hello everybody! It's time to get to know more about the Austrian act for ESC 2018, here are Cesár's answers:Name: Cesár Sampson
Birthday: 18.08.1983
Height: 183
Favorite color: Gold
Favorite food: Sweetpotato Quinoa Risotto and heaps and heaps of letucce :)
Where are you right now? Munich,Germany for the weekend
3 things that make you happy: Truth, Love, Nature
What’s your strangest talent? I don´t get hematoma :D
What is the strangest thing you have in your room? I don´t think I have any strange things in my room
What are you really good at? Bringing my point across with words
What are you really bad at? smalltalk
Childhood idol: Michael Jackson
Childhood memory: kissing LaToya Jackson (on the lips! haha)
Celebrity crush: LaToya Jackson :D
Tell me something no one knows about you: I am an alien visitor from Planet Melmak
What would you do if you were invisible? Be very very bored. I am a Leo, we don´t fantasize about being invisible:)
Favorite movie: The OA (not exactly a movie but still)
Favorite TV series: Game of Thrones
What is your guilty pleasure? I watch fictional character deathmatches on youtube :D like Mickey Mouse vs Danger Mouse :D
If you were a girl for a day, what would you do? I´d finally find out why girls always go to the rest room as a team.
Name a song that never fails to make you happy: Nobody but You
Can you teach me some interesting words in German? « Nahrungsmittelunverträglichkeit » = food intolerance
« Donaudampfschifffahrtsgesellschaft » = Danubian Steamship Company
« Arbeiterunfallversicherungsgesetz » = worker accident insurance law
Photo: Thomas Ramstorfer
Hello Cesár! How are you doing?Fantastic!
How would you describe yourself as an artist?
I would describe myself as a late blooming artist, considering I´ve been one for about 17 years.
You were part of the Bulgarian team for ESC in 2016 and 2017, what did you learn from those experiences?
More than I can list here, certainly. Most importantly, I learnt how important it is to be yourself and to lower your guards. People have to feel who you are.
You were selected by ORF to represent Austria in Lisbon. How did it all begin?
The ORF prompted me about submitting a song back in 2016, and then again in 2017. In 2017 all the right ingredients came together and so, here I am.
Photo: Maria Hintz
“Nobody but you” is the title of your song, and it’s written by you, Sebastian Arman, Joacim Persson, Johan Alkenäs and Borislav Milanov. How was it to work with them?Sebastian, Boris and me know each other since almost 15 years, so we have a good understanding of where everyone is coming from. Joacim and Johan are the coolest guys, they are such fun personalities and amazing professionals. I´m lucky to have them on board. The fact that 5 people can end up on the same page about one song, speaks for itself.
Photo: Jeff Mangione
What’s the story behind the song?Since Sebastian and I started writing the song, there have always been two parallel, but not mutually exclusive meanings to it. Let me just say, I didn´t write it with a person in mind. Everytime I wrote “You”, I either meant my inner self, the higher power, or all of you, who are listening to me. Sebastian on the other hand would probably give you a different answer entirely.
Photo: Thomas Ramstorfer
Describe the song with 4 words:Groovy, rocknroll, grand, spiritual
What can we expect to see on stage for the performance?
Expect the unexpected
Photo: Thomas Ramstorfer
Tell me about the official video of “Nobody but you”:It was hard work, shooting in the freezing cold for hours on end, and I spent most of that time shivering, as I was the only one who was not sufficiently clothed for the occasion ;)
I like the professionality of it, the size of it, the idea behind it, and the mottos, that always center around inclusion, diversity and feeling connected.
What do you dislike about Eurovision?
I rather dislike when eurovision (just like any other big event) is abused by indivduals, to further their closed-minded agendas. Individuals that certainly cannot be called true eurovision fans. But we are not letting anyone harsh our mellow:)
Tell me the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the word:
Freedom: being yourself, always
Nightmare: I don´t have them, the waking world contains all the horrors I can handle
Euroclub: If the Songcontest is the heart of Eurovision, Euroclub is its liver:)))
Tight pants: not for me
Chicken sound: bagawwwk
Future: Unknown
Photo: Maxwell
What are your plans for 2018?I take things one step at a time, theres lots to do in the present.
Thank You!
Thanks to Cesár for the interview! All the best in the contest!